Energy Systems

What to expect from a career in energy systems or alternative energy

It’s an exciting time to be choosing an education from one of the many energy systems programs at Ontario colleges. Developing alternative energy sources and energy efficiency solutions is imperative, which puts the skills learned in these programs in high demand.

If you’re interested in breaking ground on new energy sources or you simply want to help our urban communities make better use of existing energy sources and control their energy costs, here’s what you need to know.

Energy Systems Courses

Energy systems programs have different focus areas, though many of the courses you’ll take will be similar across all programs. The types of programs you could take include:

  • Energy Auditing. Energy auditing programs prepare graduates to conduct both residential and commercial energy audits by assessing energy output and developing modification strategies and conservation techniques.
  • Energy Systems Engineering. Energy efficiency is changing building and construction processes for new residential and commercial buildings. Energy systems engineering programs equip students with the skills to design and implement efficient energy models and also to make improvements on conventional systems.
  • Alternative and Sustainable Energy Engineering. These programs investigate renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, solar energy, and ground source heat pumps. Graduates in these programs will have high-level knowledge on maintaining and servicing wind turbines, solar energy panels and other equipment associated with alternative energy.

Energy Systems Program Requirements

Most energy programs require an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent. A grade 12 math credit is typically required, as is a grade 12 English credit.

Note: After completing many Ontario college energy systems programs and gaining some work experience, graduates are eligible to write the TSSA Operating Engineer, 4th Class certification.

Energy Systems Jobs

Energy systems programs lead to diverse jobs, from energy auditor and new systems installer to sustainable energy specialist, new systems salesperson and much more. Graduates may find employment with different professionals and organizations, including (but not limited to) architects, engineers, energy consultants, government agencies and contractors.

Ontario Colleges Offering Energy Systems Programs

Use the left-column navigation to refine your search by College, Program Availability, Program Start Date and more, or see the table below for a complete list of energy systems programs at Ontario colleges.

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