Counselling - Career / Work

What to expect from a career in Career Counselling

Helping others find a career through analyzing employment trends and assessing strengths and weaknesses can be very rewarding, especially when you’re helping those who have lost their jobs or are starting a second career. Many people struggle to find what it is they love to do, and what post-secondary program can get them there. In Ontario college career counselling programs, students gain the interpersonal, research and analytical skills needed to help others begin on the path to the right career.

If you want to help others reach their potential through career counselling, here’s what you need to know.

Career Counselling Courses

Career counselling programs at Ontario colleges teach students to examine employment and educational trends and assess employment skills in clients so they can offer advice on career planning, career change and job loss. Courses focus on human rights laws and career and work equity issues to prepare students for clients who may feel they have been wronged in their prior or current positions.

Through lectures and practicum assignments, students learn to perform both individual and group counselling sessions, as well as to adapt to diverse client situations.

There are also programs related to career counselling, such as performance coaching, in which students gain a firm understanding of psychology in relation to work and life performance. Courses cover coaching and intervention techniques, as well as how other factors, like stress, can affect performance.

General Career Counselling Program Requirements

Career counselling programs typically require an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, which includes a grade 12 English credit. For programs offered at the graduate certificate level, a diploma or degree (often in a related field) is required. Relevant work experience may also be needed.

There may be additional non-academic requirements for both entry-level and graduate certificate level programs, so check program information carefully before applying.

Career Counselling Jobs

Graduates can find career counselling jobs in many different settings, from corporate career services and community agencies to schools, adult learning centres, human resources departments and more. Common job titles in the field include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Employment Counsellor
  • Career Counsellor
  • Life Skills Coach
  • Career Development Practitioner
  • Student Counsellor

Ontario Colleges Offering Career Counselling Programs

Use the left-column navigation to refine your search by College, Program Availability, Program Start Date and more, or see the table below for a complete list of career counselling programs at Ontario colleges.

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