Resources for International Agents


This page lets you quickly access all of our resources for international agents.


For any support related inquiries, technical difficulties and password resets, please contact us at

For questions relating to your agency (e.g. adding / removing / changing an agent), or regarding  application processing timelines, please contact your college partner directly.

There are many reasons a credit card payment may be declined. Common examples include when a user mistakenly selects a Visa instead of Mastercard, or when an incorrect currency is selected that is not allowed by the user's financial institution. In these situations, the user will need to close  and re-submit the application, then try making the payment again.

To change an applicant's date of birth after an offer letter is received, use the following steps:

  1. Under List Views, click Applicants
  2. Type the applicant's name in the search bar
  3. Select the applicant
  4. Click the View Profile button beside the applicant's name
  5. Click the Change button beside the Personal Information heading
  6. Scroll down the page to the Date of Birth field and update, as required
  7. Notify the college of the change and request a new offer letter

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